Program and scope of the training on “Sexuality and Sexual Treatments” which has been conducted by our association since 2001 and consists of 3 successive modules was updated in 2016 fall semester and revised in line with scientific developments and needs.
As is known, our trainings are demanded since we are the first and referenced professional organization in the field of trainings on sexual treatments and therapies in our country; therefore, a waiting list has been formed since 2003. Regarding application for the trainings, person must apply to corporate address of our association [email protected] with a form which contains his/her professional background, reasons for desire to receive sexual therapy training and all contact details. Every year, applicants are invited on the basis of application order in the waiting list when training calendar is determined. Open admission is allowed if there is a vacancy in quotas or additional trainings are opened.
There is an information for updated stages of training on sexual therapies that were provided in 3 modules before since 2016. Training consists of two sections. Instead of modular definition, basic training and advanced therapy training are defined in line with the purposes of development of trainers and use of information. Each section consists of two parts. According to this:
Basic Training on Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunctions
General approach to sexuality and sexual problems, Sexual development, Identity and sexuality (25 hours),
Sexual story taking, evaluation methods, General information on sexual dysfunctions, Diagnostic approach to sexual problem, Sexual trauma and multi-disciplinary approach (26 hours)
Sexual Therapy Training
Clinical interventions in sexual dysfunctions, Sexual treatments and therapy techniques (75 hours),
Tracking and supervising cases (96 hours)
Each section has an integrity and training goal in itself. Different trainers who are experienced in their fields will be assigned in each course of sections and each section will provide separate certificates of participation at the end of trainings.
Conditions for Acceptance in Training on Sexual Therapies: This section is the program of raising sex therapists and it is an advanced and special training on sexuality and intervention in sexual problems. If participants who completed the Basic Training on Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunctions want to participate this training, they will be accepted for the training according to following criteria. CETAD Board of Directors decides whether candidate is eligible for being a sex therapist on the basis of the report of interview commission appointed by the Board of Directors and formed by members of the Training Commission and evaluation criteria of trainers. Criteria for selection are determined as follows:
After persons meeting the conditions are evaluated by training commission, they are accepted in “Sexual Therapy Training”. Training commission also takes following matters into consideration while taking this decision.
By applying, each candidate is deemed to have accepted all conditions above and any decision to be taken by training commission.
Certificate of participation shall not be granted for absence exceeding 4 hours in 6-day “Basic Training on Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunctions” and 8 hours in 9-day group “Sexual Therapy Training”.
Content of Training:
Basic Training on Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunctions
Training on Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunctions consists of 3-day two parts and 51 hours and is completed in 6 days.
Section 1: General approach to sexuality and sexual problems, Sexual development, Identity and sexuality
Section 2: Sexual story taking, evaluation methods, general information on sexual dysfunctions, diagnostic approach to sexual problem, sexual trauma and multi-disciplinary approach
Sexual Therapy Training
Sexual Therapy Training consists of 75-hour group training for 9 days and minimum 96-hour supervision to be completed within 18 months.
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Prof. Dr. Şahika Yüksel
Retired academic member, Department of Psychiatry, İstanbul Medical Faculty of İstanbul University. She is focused on violence against women, torture, sexual assaults, problems developing after torture and mass violence. She carries out gender responsible activities to empower women. She is also interested in providing counseling to transgender adolescents and adults. She published many studies and articles on said fields. |
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Prof. Dr. Cem İncesuCem İncesu, Psychiatrist and Founding Member of Sexual Training, Treatment and Research Association (CETAD) was born in Malatya, 1963. He graduated from İstanbul Medical Faculty in 1987. He completed his specialty education in psychiatry in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital in 1988-1993. He worked in the same hospital for a while, then he started working in Department of Psychiatry in Acıbadem University. He still works as a free-lance psychiatrist. |
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Spec. Dr. Nesrin Yetkin
WORK EXPERIENCE: 1995-1999 Chief Assistant of Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital, founder and responsible specialist of “Sexual Dysfunctions Polyclinic". 1992- 1995 Chief Assistant of Psychiatry Clinic, Ankara Numune Hospital 1986-1992 Chief Assistant of Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital 1986- Dissertation; "Evaluation of Sexual Dysfunction in Two Groups of Married Men with Sexual Dysfunction and Neurotic Complaints" Specialty training in Department of Psychiatry of İMF in 1981-1986 |
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Prof. Dr. Ejder A. YıldırımHe graduated from Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty (English) in 1997. He specialized in psychiatry in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital in 1997-2002. He completed his doctorate education in Department of Physiology of Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty of İstanbul University in 2004. He worked as the manager of Halıdere Health Center of İstanbul Medical Chamber after Marmara Earthquake happened in 1999. He was TTB prisons observer during political hunger strikes in 2000-2001. He was accepted in Sexual Training, Treatment and Research Association in 2005 as Trainer Therapist. He assumed the titles of Psychodramatist in 2006, and Psychodrama Trainer in 2009. He became the founding coordinator of the first community mental health centers in Turkey. He worked as field observer after Van Earthquake. He conducted judicial expertise and clinical mental health services after terrorist attacks, such as Güngören, Mavi Marmara, Ankara Train Station, Atatürk Airport, Beşiktaş, Reina, etc. He assumed the title of associate professor in 2012, and professor in 2018. He works as the Coordinator of Bakırköy Psychotherapy Training and Treatment Center and provides trainings on psychotherapy skills in specialty trainings. He is Regional Coordinator for Supportive Psychotherapy Training of the Psychiatric Association of Turkey, Trainer and Chairperson of Trauma Board in A. Özbek Psychodrama Institute and founder of Bakırköy Group of Trauma Therapies. Regarding the field of sexuality: In addition to CETAD trainings, he started sexual therapy training in Bakırköy Sexual Dysfunctions Polyclinic in 1998 as a candidate therapist. He completed CETAD trainings in 2000-2004. In 2005, he made trainings on sexual therapies in psychotherapy rotation of specialty training of psychiatry a standard in training for assistantship as a trainer and this training was the first practice in Turkey. He worked as TPD Coordinator of Sexual Dysfunctions Working Unit, was a member and trainer of CETAD trainers’ board and member of CETAD board of directors. He has many scientific publications on sexuality and sexual dysfunctions, mental trauma, neuroscience, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders, a book section and book editorship. He has EFS Psychosexual Therapist certificate. He is still the Chairperson of CETAD Board of Directors and a member of CETAD Trainers’ Board. |
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Spec. Dr. Ceyda GüvençShe was born in Antalya in 1969. Having graduated from İstanbul Medical Faculty of İstanbul University, she completed her specialty education in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital in 2001. She worked in the unit of psychotic disorders, psychotherapy training and treatment center and sexual dysfunctions as trainer and supervisor in the same hospital until 2013. She started accepting her patients in her clinic since 2013. She received trainings on psychodrama and group psychotherapies in 1997-2002 and sexual therapy training in 1999-2002. She has been working in CETAD as trainer therapist, supervisor and CETAD secretary general since 2002. |
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Ass. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Özay ÖzdemirPsychiatrist, Psychoanalyst. He graduated from Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty in 1994 and completed his specialty training in psychiatry in Department of Psychiatry in İstanbul Medical Faculty in 2000. Having completed his psychoanalytic formation training in 2019, he became a psychoanalyst with membership in Psike İstanbul (İstanbul Psychoanalytic Association for Training, Research and Development) and International Psychoanalytic Association. He was a member of CETAD board of directors in 2002-2010 and has been trainer in CETAD trainings on Sexuality, Sexual Dysfunctions and Sexual Treatments since 2001. He is Academic Member of Department of Psychiatry of Hamidiye Medical Faculty in University of Health Sciences and Clinic Chief of İstanbul Erenköy Psychiatric Education and Research Hospital. |
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Spec. Dr. Aytül Gürbüz TükelShe graduated from İstanbul Medical Faculty of İstanbul University in 1990. She completed her specialty training in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital in 1994-1999 and assumed the title of psychiatrist in 1999. She wrote her dissertation on women with vaginismus. She is a member of the Psychiatric Association of Turkey (TPD) and Sexual Training, Treatment and Research Association (CETAD) and works in scientific working groups and their elected boards. She has Certificate of Competency of European Federation of Sexuality (EFS). She has been giving lectures in CETAD as Trainer Therapist since 2006. She is still Deputy Chairperson of CETAD and member of Executive Board of Women Medical Doctors Branch of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB). Providing psychodrama, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, sexual therapy, schema therapy, EMDR Therapy, Trauma Therapy as well as professional trainings, Dr. Aytül Gürbüz Tükel has been providing services in her center established in 2000. |
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Ass. Prof. Dr. Münevver Hacıoğlu YıldırımShe received specialty training in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital in 2001 and was appointed as chief assistant in BRSHH in 2002. She has been working as a trainer in Psychotherapy Training and Treatment Center since 2012. She has received her title of Assoc. Prof. in 2018. She was appointed as Agent Training Officer. She started working on trauma after the earthquake happened in 1999. 1BARİLEM Bakırköy Coordinator and Trainer of Group of Trauma Therapies. CETAD Coordinator of Trauma Scientific Studies Department and CETAD Executive of Trauma Therapies Training. Mental Trauma Polyclinic Head of Bakırköy Psychotherapy Training Center. Trauma and Disaster Studies Department Coordinator of Psychiatric Association of Turkey. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Trainer of Psychiatric Association of Turkey. |
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Ass. Prof. Dr. Naz Berfu AkbaşBorn in 1972, Dr. Naz Berfu Akbaş graduated from İzmir Bornova Anatolian High School, then from Medical Faculty of Marmara University. She became psychiatrist after completing her psychiatry specialty education in 2002. She has been working in Department of Psychiatry in Yeditepe University as academic member since 2006. She became a sex therapist by completing trainings of CETAD in 2007. She received certificate of “Family and Couple” Therapy in 2011. She was member of CETAD Board of Directors for 4 years. She has been in CETAD as trainer therapist since 2014 and works in Yeditepe University. |
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Spec. Dr. Berk Murat Ergün
Born in İstanbul in 1973, Dr. Ergün completed his specialty education in medicine and psychiatry in Gülhane Military Medical Faculty. |
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Ass. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Çağdaş Eker
Medical Faculty of Ege University |
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Spec. Dr. Ayşe Nur Engindeniz
Dr. Nur Engindeniz graduated from Medical Faculty of Ege University in 1991. She completed her specialty training in psychiatry in İzmir Atatürk Education and Research Hospital in 1996. After having worked as a psychiatrist in Karşıyaka State Hospital for 2 years, she continues her professional life as a private physician. |
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Spec. Dr. Ebru Soylu
I graduated from Medical Faculty of Ankara University in 1994. |
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Spec. Dr. Nezaket Kaya
She graduated from Medical Faculty of Dokuz Eylül University in 1988. She worked as a practicing physician for 3 years. |
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Spec. Dr. Evrim Ebru Öztekin
After having graduated from İstanbul Medical Faculty in 2000, she started working in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital in 2001 to specialize in psychiatry. She received her specialty after completing her assertation on female mental health in 2007. She deserved to have the title of ‘Sex Therapist’ from CETAD in 2004. She was member of CETAD Board of Directors in the years between 2006-2007. |
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Spec. Dr. Ender CesurHe graduated from Medical Faculty of Ankara University in 2012 and from License Program of Sociology in Anadolu University (Open Education) in 2017. He completed his specialty education in psychiatry in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital in the years between 2013-2017. He became a sex therapist by completing trainings of CETAD in 2017. He is interested in sexuality and sexual dysfunctions, sexual identity and problems about sexual identity, mental trauma and forensic psychiatry. He has been working as co-therapist in Trans Therapy Group since 2016 and in LİSTAG İstanbul Family Group since 2020. |
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Spec. Dr. Hasibe Rengin GüvençHaving graduated from Medical Faculty of Hacettepe University in 2013, she completed her specialty education in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital in the years between 2014-2018. He completed his obligatory service in Iğdır State Hospital and he now works in Balıklı Greek Hospital Foundation as psychiatrist. She completed CETAD trainings and Training on Sexual Trauma and Therapies in 2018. She is interested in sexual therapies, trauma therapies, feminist therapy and supportive psychotherapies. |
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Prof. Dr. Ömer BökeÖmer Böke was born in Samsun in 1964 and graduated from Medical Faculty of Ondokuz Mayıs University in 1988. He specialized in psychiatry in Medical Faculty of Selçuk University. After he got his specialty, he worked in Samsun Psychiatric Hospital for 7,5 years. He has been working in Department of Psychiatry in Medical Faculty of Ondokuz Mayıs University since 2002. He assumed the title of associate professor in 2008, and professor in 2015. He completed CETAD training in 2005. He is interested in schizophrenia and sexual dysfunctions. He undertook active duties in various boards of Medical Chamber and Psychiatric Association of Turkey as of early years of his specialty. |
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Prof. Dr. Gülcan GüleçGülcan Güleç was born in Eskişehir in 1971. She graduated from Medical Faculty of Eskişehir Osmangazi University in 1994. Having completed her specialty training in psychiatry in Medical Faculty of Eskişehir Osmangazi University, she continued her academic life as an academic member in the same institution. She assumed the title of Professor in 2018. In particular, she works in the field of Addiction, Sexual Dysfunctions and is an academic member responsible in Sexual Dysfunction polyclinic, Cigarette polyclinic and Outpatient Cleansing Center in her institution. She completed CETAD training in 2005 and established “Gender Identity Commission” in 2019 in the institution. She is a member of the Turkish Medical Association and Association for Addiction. She also worked in Eskişehir branch since its establishment, then Headquarters Board of Directors of Psychiatric Association of Turkey. |
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Spec. Dr. İlker Küçükparlak
Having received his bachelor’s degree in Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty of İstanbul University, he completed his specialty education in psychiatry in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital. Once his civil service obligation, he worked as a chief assistant in Erenköy Psychiatric Hospital for a while. He has been working as a free-lance physician since 2013. |
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Prof. Dr. Taner Güvenir
Child - Young - Adult
He is an adult psychiatrist (Turkey) and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (the United Kingdom). In addition, he is analytics-oriented adult (Halime Odağ Psychoanalysis Foundation - Turkey) and child and adolescent (Tavistock Clinic - the United Kingdom) psychotherapist. |
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Spec. Dr. Mehmet Nazmi Algan
İstanbul Medical Faculty, 1984 |
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Spec. Dr. Irmak SaraçShe was born in Ankara in 1973. After having graduated from TED Ankara College, she entered in Medical Faculty of Hacettepe University in 1989. She completed her university education in 1995 and then, received her master degree on Public Health in Medical Faculty of Osmangazi University. She wrote her dissertation on attitudes of working women to health problems. She is still Member of CETAD Board of Directors, Member of TTB High Honorary Board and participates in activities of Women’s Committee of İstanbul Medical Chamber. In addition, she works in Private Surp Agop Hospital. |
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Ass. Prof. Dr. Enis Rauf CoşkunerI was born in İstanbul in 1967. I graduated from Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty of IU in 1991. I continued my education in the same university and became an urologist in 1997. I worked in International Hospital/Yeşilköy as an urologist in 1997-2000. I have been working in Acıbadem Bakırköy Hospital since 2000. I also continue my academic life that I started in Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University in 2009. Meanwhile, I completed trainings provided by the European Society for Sexual Medicine in 2007-2012 and became a FECSM - Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine by passing the examination. Apart from general urology, I track patients of sexual dysfunctions in my institution. |
Prof. Dr. Arşaluys Kayır |
Spec. Dr. Seven Kaptan |
Spec. Dr. Banu Aslantaş Ertekin |
Ass. Prof. Dr. Koray Başar |
Spec. Dr. Sema Buzrul Sönmez |
Spec. Dr. Görkem Karakaş Uğurlu |
Spec. Dr. Esengül Kayan |
Spec. Dr. Süleyman Çakıroğlu |
Prof. Dr. Bülent Önal |
Att. Gürkan Sert |
Supervisors in Cases of Sexual Dysfunctions: | |||||||||
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Spec. Dr. Nesrin Yetkin
WORK EXPERIENCE: 1995-1999 Chief Assistant of Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital, founder and responsible specialist of “Sexual Dysfunctions Polyclinic". 1992- 1995 Chief Assistant of Psychiatry Clinic, Ankara Numune Hospital 1986-1992 Chief Assistant of Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital 1986- Dissertation; "Evaluation of Sexual Dysfunction in Two Groups of Married Men with Sexual Dysfunction and Neurotic Complaints" Specialty training in Department of Psychiatry of İMF in 1981-1986 |
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Prof. Dr. Ejder A. YıldırımHe graduated from Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty (English) in 1997. He specialized in psychiatry in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital in 1997-2002. He completed his doctorate education in Department of Physiology of Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty of İstanbul University in 2004. He worked as the manager of Halıdere Health Center of İstanbul Medical Chamber after Marmara Earthquake happened in 1999. He was TTB prisons observer during political hunger strikes in 2000-2001. He was accepted in Sexual Training, Treatment and Research Association in 2005 as Trainer Therapist. He assumed the titles of Psychodramatist in 2006, and Psychodrama Trainer in 2009. He became the founding coordinator of the first community mental health centers in Turkey. He worked as field observer after Van Earthquake. He conducted judicial expertise and clinical mental health services after terrorist attacks, such as Güngören, Mavi Marmara, Ankara Train Station, Atatürk Airport, Beşiktaş, Reina, etc. He assumed the title of associate professor in 2012, and professor in 2018. He works as the Coordinator of Bakırköy Psychotherapy Training and Treatment Center and provides trainings on psychotherapy skills in specialty trainings. He is Regional Coordinator for Supportive Psychotherapy Training of the Psychiatric Association of Turkey, Trainer and Chairperson of Trauma Board in A. Özbek Psychodrama Institute and founder of Bakırköy Group of Trauma Therapies. Regarding the field of sexuality: In addition to CETAD trainings, he started sexual therapy training in Bakırköy Sexual Dysfunctions Polyclinic in 1998 as a candidate therapist. He completed CETAD trainings in 2000-2004. In 2005, he made trainings on sexual therapies in psychotherapy rotation of specialty training of psychiatry a standard in training for assistantship as a trainer and this training was the first practice in Turkey. He worked as TPD Coordinator of Sexual Dysfunctions Working Unit, was a member and trainer of CETAD trainers’ board and member of CETAD board of directors. He has many scientific publications on sexuality and sexual dysfunctions, mental trauma, neuroscience, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders, a book section and book editorship. He has EFS Psychosexual Therapist certificate. He is still the Chairperson of CETAD Board of Directors and a member of CETAD Trainers’ Board. |
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Spec. Dr. Ceyda GüvençShe was born in Antalya in 1969. Having graduated from İstanbul Medical Faculty of İstanbul University, she completed her specialty education in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital in 2001. She worked in the unit of psychotic disorders, psychotherapy training and treatment center and sexual dysfunctions as trainer and supervisor in the same hospital until 2013. She started accepting her patients in her clinic since 2013. She received trainings on psychodrama and group psychotherapies in 1997-2002 and sexual therapy training in 1999-2002. She has been working in CETAD as trainer therapist, supervisor and CETAD secretary general since 2002. |
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Spec. Dr. Aytül Gürbüz TükelShe graduated from İstanbul Medical Faculty of İstanbul University in 1990. She completed her specialty training in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital in 1994-1999 and assumed the title of psychiatrist in 1999. She wrote her dissertation on women with vaginismus. She is a member of the Psychiatric Association of Turkey (TPD) and Sexual Training, Treatment and Research Association (CETAD) and works in scientific working groups and their elected boards. She has Certificate of Competency of European Federation of Sexuality (EFS). She has been giving lectures in CETAD as Trainer Therapist since 2006. She is still Deputy Chairperson of CETAD and member of Executive Board of Women Medical Doctors Branch of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB). Providing psychodrama, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, sexual therapy, schema therapy, EMDR Therapy, Trauma Therapy as well as professional trainings, Dr. Aytül Gürbüz Tükel has been providing services in her center established in 2000. |
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Ass. Prof. Dr. Münevver Hacıoğlu YıldırımShe received specialty training in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital in 2001 and was appointed as chief assistant in BRSHH in 2002. She has been working as a trainer in Psychotherapy Training and Treatment Center since 2012. She has received her title of Assoc. Prof. in 2018. She was appointed as Agent Training Officer. She started working on trauma after the earthquake happened in 1999. 1BARİLEM Bakırköy Coordinator and Trainer of Group of Trauma Therapies. CETAD Coordinator of Trauma Scientific Studies Department and CETAD Executive of Trauma Therapies Training. Mental Trauma Polyclinic Head of Bakırköy Psychotherapy Training Center. Trauma and Disaster Studies Department Coordinator of Psychiatric Association of Turkey. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Trainer of Psychiatric Association of Turkey. |
Supervisors in Cases of LGBTI: | |||||||||
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Prof. Dr. Şahika Yüksel
Retired academic member, Department of Psychiatry, İstanbul Medical Faculty of İstanbul University. She is focused on violence against women, torture, sexual assaults, problems developing after torture and mass violence. She carries out gender responsible activities to empower women. She is also interested in providing counseling to transgender adolescents and adults. She published many studies and articles on said fields. |
Supervisors in Cases of Trauma: | |||||||||
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Prof. Dr. Şahika Yüksel
Retired academic member, Department of Psychiatry, İstanbul Medical Faculty of İstanbul University. She is focused on violence against women, torture, sexual assaults, problems developing after torture and mass violence. She carries out gender responsible activities to empower women. She is also interested in providing counseling to transgender adolescents and adults. She published many studies and articles on said fields. |
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Ass. Prof. Dr. Münevver Hacıoğlu YıldırımShe received specialty training in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital in 2001 and was appointed as chief assistant in BRSHH in 2002. She has been working as a trainer in Psychotherapy Training and Treatment Center since 2012. She has received her title of Assoc. Prof. in 2018. She was appointed as Agent Training Officer. She started working on trauma after the earthquake happened in 1999. 1BARİLEM Bakırköy Coordinator and Trainer of Group of Trauma Therapies. CETAD Coordinator of Trauma Scientific Studies Department and CETAD Executive of Trauma Therapies Training. Mental Trauma Polyclinic Head of Bakırköy Psychotherapy Training Center. Trauma and Disaster Studies Department Coordinator of Psychiatric Association of Turkey. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Trainer of Psychiatric Association of Turkey. |
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Prof. Dr. Ejder A. YıldırımHe graduated from Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty (English) in 1997. He specialized in psychiatry in Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital in 1997-2002. He completed his doctorate education in Department of Physiology of Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty of İstanbul University in 2004. He worked as the manager of Halıdere Health Center of İstanbul Medical Chamber after Marmara Earthquake happened in 1999. He was TTB prisons observer during political hunger strikes in 2000-2001. He was accepted in Sexual Training, Treatment and Research Association in 2005 as Trainer Therapist. He assumed the titles of Psychodramatist in 2006, and Psychodrama Trainer in 2009. He became the founding coordinator of the first community mental health centers in Turkey. He worked as field observer after Van Earthquake. He conducted judicial expertise and clinical mental health services after terrorist attacks, such as Güngören, Mavi Marmara, Ankara Train Station, Atatürk Airport, Beşiktaş, Reina, etc. He assumed the title of associate professor in 2012, and professor in 2018. He works as the Coordinator of Bakırköy Psychotherapy Training and Treatment Center and provides trainings on psychotherapy skills in specialty trainings. He is Regional Coordinator for Supportive Psychotherapy Training of the Psychiatric Association of Turkey, Trainer and Chairperson of Trauma Board in A. Özbek Psychodrama Institute and founder of Bakırköy Group of Trauma Therapies. Regarding the field of sexuality: In addition to CETAD trainings, he started sexual therapy training in Bakırköy Sexual Dysfunctions Polyclinic in 1998 as a candidate therapist. He completed CETAD trainings in 2000-2004. In 2005, he made trainings on sexual therapies in psychotherapy rotation of specialty training of psychiatry a standard in training for assistantship as a trainer and this training was the first practice in Turkey. He worked as TPD Coordinator of Sexual Dysfunctions Working Unit, was a member and trainer of CETAD trainers’ board and member of CETAD board of directors. He has many scientific publications on sexuality and sexual dysfunctions, mental trauma, neuroscience, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders, a book section and book editorship. He has EFS Psychosexual Therapist certificate. He is still the Chairperson of CETAD Board of Directors and a member of CETAD Trainers’ Board. |
Supervisors in Cases of Sexual Dysfunctions: | |
Prof. Dr. Cem İncesu |
Supervisors in Cases of LGBTI: | |
Spec. Dr. Seven Kaptan |
Ass. Prof. Dr. Koray Başar |